
Showing posts from July, 2020

Sweet than honey

Image I was watching this youtube channel on this young girl from Yunnan who blogs about her life and cooking with seasonal vegetables and I was so excited about this vlog which showed her plucking lychee from the tree and cooking with it. I shared with friends over a fancy dinner when we were talking about cooking methods and my friend laughed and said why don't you just to go NTUC to buy lychees since they are in season now. This conversation got me thinking of 2 things firstly someone who has never tasted the sweetness of real freshly harvested lychees will never understand what I mean.  The sweetness is something we will never get in the supermarkets of singapore cos we have to keep the fruit fresh enough to be sold while transporting. And someone who has never tasted freshly plucked lychees will think that that is the optimum of sweetness. Just as someone who has never experienced the sweetness of a real relationship with God....