Holiness or Happiness?
A lot of talk has been swirling around about a recent weekend sermon.. To cut a long story short, we are admonished to be less picky about out life partners. Side one argument - but the men are not initiating Side two argument - the women are too picky Actually I think the actual argument is.. do I be content in my singleness and wait for THE ONE or do I feel restless and go and look for someone. This applies to both men and women actually.. but of course the bulk of the burden is on the men cos if the men initiated, then there would be less necessity for the women to put themselves in a postition to "look" but either way, I think at a point of time, we all get " lazy" - the sin of sloth.. The question then is what do we do with our time and energies while we wait .. do we use our time to serve the Lord or do we use the time to look or do we use the time to enjoy ourselves.. I guess the wise answer is all 3 .. the question is how much of e...