Jeremy Lin - eternal joy vs temporary happiness

Listening to Jeremy Lin's interview on Good tv really reminded me of my own journey this year. It is a reminder that our spiritual journey is the same regardless of who we are, which field we are in, how old we are. Similar reminders from his interview..

How we are always affected by the things that happen in our lives.. like he says when he plays well, he is happy but when he doesn't play well, he is angry and gets upset.. Similarly, how can we be so influenced by the things around us.. tossed about by the waves.. we should have our anchor in God and only in submitting to Him, we do not let the "fear of failure" control us, and only then can we get the ultimate joy and peace that He promises. And very realistically, he also says that he will be struggling with this till he finishes playing..Instead of winning the game, being a "reflection of God's image in the way I treat people"

Also, his questioning of why God has let him be in this place and how can God use him in this place is a question we should be asking ourselves all the time.. Do we have the courage that he has in sharing his faith? As easy as it looks like for him now, I'm sure it was difficult to start but once he started, what a powerful testimony that it. And we can do the same also, perhaps not in such a way that we can impact nations, but in our small way, we can also do. God's will " to be content in whatever situation He is putting me in.. to put my desires back to Him... constantly checking my heart and motivations"

Another important point is how his parent's transmitted their faith to him.. of course he has had to walk the path himself but his parent's christian walk and influence in his life is indeed very obvious and I think our aim is to bring up our children in the same manner.. Jeremy talks about seeing God's fingerprints all over his life.. and his mum talks about God having a special plan for Jeremy.. " If you don't have a good relationship with God, all the rest of things don't mean very much" 

"当你把一个事情放在最高的地方时, 它的成败会让你开始恐惧, 开始有压力, 甚至让你不快乐,最后好象一切意义都不存在...一个对的出口,把上帝放在最高的位置上,所以上帝把他放在篮球场最高的位置上.."


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