Creation in Genesis 1-3
My slant on the creation question comes from my medical training. I remember first learning embrology ( the development of a human being from it's cellular origin ) during my first year in medical school and being intrigued by the complexity of our creation. How we go from 2 small cells to develop into a fully formed human being and having specific times for specific things to happen so that other things can occur. For example, did you know that the heart as we know it was formed from a tube that turns and fuses at specific times during the development. On another note, it reminds me about amazing every baby that is born is and if even one small mistake could result in open a fatal condition ... and hence every healthy birth is a miracle in itself .. So who says that our Lord is not into miracles now???!!!
Further on from that, I also learnt the complexities of our human body such that everything has it's place and however every function in the body is interelated so that if one system fails, it can cause a cascade of other sustems to fail too.
Where am I going here? Well, knowing about the complexities of human creation reminds we that the making of man is probably not as simple as just blowing on dust and a human being being created like a magic show.. but there are probably many complex processes that went on however to God, it might have seem like that magic show since we know how great He is. In a similar manner, the one day that it took to make day and night could be more than one day to us but actually one day for Him. This is the so called Framework hypothesis where the treated these as purely symbolic or literary days.
However does this make the work of creation any less majestic to me? No! The act of creation is in the great work and not the details. In fact, in knowing the detail, it actually distracts and loses some of the mystery. Quoting Ravi Zaccharius in "Recapturing the Wonder" - "When we pretend to be God and play God, we do so without the benefit of God's character and we redefine good and evil. Pushing the boundaries of knowledge without the knowledge of who we are makes the knowledge sought greater than the seeker and only God is big enough to hold that supremecy"
Likewise, the knowlege of creation will ultimately be a mystery that can only be answered on the other side of heaven.