Waiting for a fresh start
I think i started a blog a long long time ago however the last time i had 1 entry and have since completely forgotten about it. I hope this blog lasts longer.
I feel that the last 4 months have been one long sabbatical even though i officially only stopped work for the last few weeks. since my great spiritual upheaval, i have not been doing very much serious work actually. Hehe....
I am looking towards going to sydney in apprehension. Not very excited but looking forward to a change of atmosphere for a while.
I have discussed this with a few post 30 people. When you go past 30, any change is not welcomed. when i was younger, i would have been so so excited about going to stay in a new country away from my parents but now much older, i don't really want to leave....Most of us post 30s have similar feelings. suddenly your roots grow and pulling them up is painful.
I can only pray that God will get me through this as he has always and that he will show me a new perspective on life ( hopefully better.. and happier...)
I feel that the last 4 months have been one long sabbatical even though i officially only stopped work for the last few weeks. since my great spiritual upheaval, i have not been doing very much serious work actually. Hehe....
I am looking towards going to sydney in apprehension. Not very excited but looking forward to a change of atmosphere for a while.
I have discussed this with a few post 30 people. When you go past 30, any change is not welcomed. when i was younger, i would have been so so excited about going to stay in a new country away from my parents but now much older, i don't really want to leave....Most of us post 30s have similar feelings. suddenly your roots grow and pulling them up is painful.
I can only pray that God will get me through this as he has always and that he will show me a new perspective on life ( hopefully better.. and happier...)